Buildings Insurance

Buildings Insurance

We quote with many of the top insurance providers in minutes

Home Insurance advised and recommended

No obligation advice and quotes

We can re-quote your home insurance each year

Buildings Insurance

Buildings Insurance, also known as property insurance covers your house in case of damage caused by storm or flood damage, a major fire, smoke or explosions, water leakage/burst pipes, subsidence, or third party vandalism or damage etc.

Mortgage lenders will insist that you have buildings insurance, as it means they will be able to recover their losses if the claim was serious and the house was burnt to the ground for example.

Calculating the Cover

The amount of cover you need is the cost of rebuilding your home, which should include the cost of demolition (if needed), clearence of the site and rebuild. The buildings insurance needed has nothing to do with the current value of the property as you already own the land (if freehold). If you are unsure of the cover needed and you have a normal family home, this isn't normally a problem because many insurance companies have a re build ceiling of £300,000 - £500,000 or even unlimited. However, if you still need to know the re build value needed because you have a very large home or someing out of the ordinary then you can visit the Association of British Insurers website

Buildings Insurance Accidential Damage

Accidential damage cover is an optional extra with buildings insurance. This doesn't increase the price by much but can be very valuable cover if you need to claim. If you put a foot through the ceiling and have to get it re plastered for example, this wouldn't be covered unless you have the optional accidential damage included.

Buildings Insurance Floodplain Considerations

It is estimated that at least 5 million people in the UK live in flood risk areas. A large proportion of them don't even know it. As mortgage lenders insist on buildings insurance, it is important to know if you are at risk of flooding. Sometimes you may find that one insurer will no longer cover your property or postcode because they say that it is in a flood risk area. Don't panic. Just because one insurer won't insure the property, it doesn't mean that they will all say the same. This is where a broker like Impartial comes in very handy. We will do the shopping around for you.

Buildings Insurance No Claims Discount

This is a discount more linked to car insurance in the past. In recent years insurers have started been giving no claims discounts to building and contents insurance to encourage them not to claim no doubt. You normally qualify for No Claims Discount (NCD) if you did not claim on your home insurance the previous year.

Some insurers will give you a no claims discount if you a first time buyer and others may give you some other form of incentive to arrange your buildings and contents insurance with them. The maximum no claims years that will normally be allowed is 5. This can make a massive difference to your buildings and contents insurance annual premium.

Home Insurance

Home Insurance

Buildings Insurance

Contents Insurance

Landlords Insurance

Home Insurance Enquiry Form

Buildings insurance covers damage to your property and the fixtures and fittings of your home.

Contents insurance covers your personal possessions.

Whether you need buildings insurance, contents insurance, or both, our range of home insurance policies from top providers will ensure you will be covered for every eventuality.

About Us

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Impartial Mortgage & Protection is an Independent Mortgage Broker and Insurance Brokerage.

Head Office

Enterprise House, Ocean Way,
Southampton, Hampshire,
SO14 3XB

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02380 221700

As a mortgage broker, Impartial receives a fee from mortgage lenders, which is normally a small percentage of the loan we arrange. We may charge a fee of £200 payable on application depending on the complexity and work involved in your case. Please see your fee agreement for details of the fee charged for your case. The fee agreement will be provided prior to gaining your agreement to proceed.

Impartial Mortgage & Protection Ltd is an Appointed Representative of The Right Mortgage Ltd, which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Impartial Mortgage & Protection Ltd. Registered office: Enterprise House, Ocean Way, Southampton, United Kingdom, SO14 3XB. This website and its content is copyright of Impartial - © Impartial 2016. All rights reserved. Company registration number 09648996

The guidance contained in this website is subject to the UK regulatory regime and is therefore targeted at consumers based within the UK.

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